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Lawn Mower Repair And Maintenance

lawn mower repair

lawn mower repair

Repair And Maintain Your Lawn mower Properly

Lawn mowers are machines that are meant to last. Even the most cost-effective brands can last up to 10 years while costlier ones can last twice the maximum amount.
However, owners got to maintain them well so as to stay the mowers running smoothly for an extended time. Below are some recommendations on how you’ll look out of and maintain your mower.

1. Keep your blades sharp – sharp blades in lawn mowers are a gardener’s delight. Not only do they cut the grass cleanly, but they also keep the grass healthy due to the clean-cut. Blades typically become dull after a month or two of normal use. they ought to, therefore, be taken out of the mower (making sure that it’s turned off before doing anything) and filed to form them sharp again.

2. Replace or clean your air cleaner – motorized mowers are usually equipped with air filters.
In time, they get clogged then they ought to get replaced or cleaned counting on the fabric they’re made from. Generally, paper filters are meant to be thrown away while those made from foam should simply be cleaned.

3. Remember to check the spark plug(s) for corrosion and wear. Don’t attempt to clean the spark plug if it is showing some wear. It is cheap and easy to replace the spark plug. Be sure to remove any debris before removing the spark plug and by using a bit of anti-seize compound when you replace the old spark plug, you will ensure easier removal next year. Clean and lubricate the throttle linkages and the choke, and apply grease to the mower deck and all the fittings.

4. Use the proper quite oil – oil is required by motorized mowers to stay the engine lubricated.  The oil in your lawn mower lubricates the engine. Be sure you read the operating instructions on the type and amount of oil your mower uses. The proper quite gasoline should be bought to avoid destroying the engine.

5. Keep the tires well-inflated – well-inflated tires keep mowers running evenly, especially within the case of the ride-on variety. The tire pressure should therefore, be checked whenever before operating the mower.

6. Clean the battery terminals and replace your old lawn mower battery if necessary.

When mowing season is over, there are certain steps to properly store your lawn mower for the winter. It is advisable to remove the oil and gas, and clean the exterior.   

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